Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Danish Cartoon Protestor Guilty - Al Muhajiroun Finally Falling

Abdul Muhid has been found guilty at the Old Bailey of two counts of soliciting murder. The charges were in connection to the now-infamous protest about the Danish cartoons. The prosecutor said:

This behaviour shows what the demonstration was really about. It was an exhortation, an encouragement to terrorism.

Muhid has a rich history of Islamist activity. The Guardian reports that in August 2004 he was fined £50 for smashing a bus shelter which, the prosecution said, "was displaying an advertisement which he said offended his religious beliefs". The prosecution went on to say that "That incident took place after another incident in which it was alleged he had been asserting that British soldiers would die in Muslim lands."

In 2005 the CPS brought charges against him for racial hatred and public order offences. However, the charges were dropped because there was "not a realistic prospect of conviction".

That article (from The Telegraph) states that Muhid is alleged to have been a leading member of The Saviour Sect. The Saviour Sect and Al Ghurabba were both formed from Al Muhajiroun after that organisation was banned. However, both organisations contain the same leaders (Abu Izzadeen and Anjem Choudary amongst them) and both are under the control of Omar Bakri Muhammed. Effectievely, Al Muhairoun just changed name and carried on as before.

The BBC says that Muhid is suspected of having organised the Danish cartoon protest. This all ties in as the BBC also reported that Al Ghurabba organised that protest. Also, it was this group that tried to disrupt John Reid's speech to Muslims, organised a protest outside Westminster Cathedral (proven by us here), and fought with the police during the trial of another member.

Omar Bakri is stuck in Lebanon, Izzadeen was arrested a couple of weeks ago and now Muhid has been found guilty. Finally, Al Muhajiroun seems to be being dealt with in an effective manner. Pity it took so long.